Meet the Board
Thank you for reaching out! Email us today and we will direct your question to the appropriate personnel:
President: Sean Klein
Vice President: Sarah Forr
Secretary: Anita Thomas
Treasurer: Amy Weinreich
Meetings are held on the 4th Thursday of each month to discuss fair arrangements for the following summer. There are no meetings in July, August or December, June and November meetings are the 3rd Thursday.
Meet our current directors! These friends-of-the-fair vote on important matters, dedicate time to the fair and help with logistics of operating a fair. Interested in being a member? Send us an email today! New board members are nominated in September to begin a 3 year term. New committee members are welcome year-round.
Youth Board Member
Are you interested in becoming a youth Board Member?
The Baltimore County 4-H fair board elects two 4-H Youth representatives to serve on the fair board for two year terms. One youth rotates off every year on December 31st to allow for a new youth to rotate on January 1.
4H youth who are at least 14 years of age as of January 1 and not over the age of 17 are invited to apply to serve as a Baltimore County 4H youth director on the Baltimore County 4H fair board. Applicants must be active 4-H members and must retain their 4-H membership while serving. Elected youth directors have the same voting privileges as any adult director and serve as a representative for all Baltimore County 4-H youth that exhibit at the fair.
To apply:
- Send a 4-6 sentence description of why you would like to serve on the board
- Include your history and involvement with 4-H (how long have you been a 4-Her and what club you belong to, etc.)
- At least two skills you feel will help improve the fair for all 4-H youth.
Interested applicants are asked to send their letter of interest to serve to the President of the Baltimore County 4H fair: before December 31. All interested applicants are asked to attend the January board meeting (the 4th Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm) at the Mosner Miller building located at the Maryland State Fairgrounds: 2200 York Road, Lutherville-Timonium, MD 21093